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Thousands of years ago humans walked barefoot on earth and we were grounded. Grounding, also known as Earthing, is walking barefooted while absorbing the magnetic field from Earth. As we walked, the free electrons from earth flowed from the ground through our feet and served as our bio-charger. 4,000+ years ago that magnetism was 250µT (microtesla) or 2.5 gauss (a measurement of magnetic flux). For example, an average refrigerator magnet is 20 gauss. All our cells were charged and remained at a normal operating voltage of approx. -20 to -25 mV. This charge kept cells healthy and prevented cell clumping so they moved freely in the circulatory system, communicated and carried O2 & nutrients to the 11 organ systems. This -20 to -25 mV translates to 7.35 pH and 7.44 pH (providing an alkaline vs. acidic body). Humans were healthy, vital, energized and alkaline.


Earth's magnetic field has declined over 80% in the last 4,000 years. It's now 0.5 gauss vs. 2.5 gauss historically. In other words, our human bio-charger and natural alkalizer is almost gone. When the body's pH drops below 7.26 we become sick and tired, and when it drops below 6.48 pH (an acidic body at +30 mV) cancer begins to thrive. Imagine your cell phone charger working at 20% of normal capacity and the battery no longer holding that charge. To make matters worse we now wear shoes, live in buildings disconnected from Earth, drive cars or ride in planes and trains. We are separated from the weak 20% that remains, and almost totally disconnected from the Grounding that helped create and sustains life.


Millions of years ago the oxygen levels were at 35% pure Oxygen when life began. Today, it's a maximum of 21% at sea level. More importantly, humans are shallow breathers and the air we do inhale is polluted with industry-created hydrocarbons. On top of this, if we are not Earthing and charging our body, we cannot deliver O2 to every cell which causes cell death — and cells make up the tissues that form the organs which compose our body. During the decline in Earth's magnetic and oxygen life support systems, we also shielded ourselves from sunlight. We need at least 30 minutes of sun exposure to 50% or more of our body daily, which is not possible or practical with current lifestyles. 

We live and work in buildings, wearing shoes and clothes, and breathe contaminated air every single day. Without the magnetic/oxygen/light elements, our body cannot heal. It cannot process nutrients or deliver them to our organ systems so energy levels drop and inflammation occurs. Oxidative stress at the cellular level increases and the body begins to rot. Western medicine calls it aging, but we call it rotting, and every symptom known to man begins to appear….all because we are not charging the cells, getting more oxygen and sufficient light exposure. Did you know humans can go up to seven days without water and 8-12 weeks without food? Food and water become last on the list of importance for what would kill us when they’re unavailable.


A fish is born in water, thrives in water and dies in water. Most of us are born in a hospital, live in multiple dwellings during our lifespan, and then die in a hospital from degenerative health conditions that are not age related. WE ARE FISH OUT OF WATER. We need exposure to these three natural elements, and would not be here without them, but our unintentional disconnect has prevented us from staying healthy. The answer has been right under our nose with Magnetism and Oxygen. If you were shielded from all magnetic fields produced by Earth you would experience fibrillation (potential heart failure), and if you stop breathing for 5-10 minutes you would die. If the sun winked out of the sky, the effects on all life would be catastrophic.

Imagine receiving Earth's life forming and life sustaining elements in therapeutic levels. Like a cell phone, we need to be charged and we need batteries to hold the charge. The batteries supply the cell phone circuits with electricity to make everything work. Our body is similar, but where is our charger. What about our batteries and how do they stay charged? How do we make all our circuits turn on/off and function properly? There is an answer. If you're seeking "Superhuman" health, regardless of your age and condition, you are about to learn what may bring the most dramatic change to your life.


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